What are the hours?
The Children’s Preschool Center is open Monday-Friday from 7:45 am – 6:00 PM.
Are there current enrollment opportunities?
Enrollment occurs year-round based on availability. Admissions are done post a Facility Tour Wait with a Registration and signed contract with the first month’s, non-refundable tuition. This guarantees your child has an actual space. Those wishing to hold off may wish to go onto our Wait List receiving first priority for spaces available. Contact us for information and to complete a Wait List application with an accompanying $150 fee.
How do I learn more about my child's day to day activities?
CPSC used Brightwheel app and each classroom provides daily updates on the children’s activities, nap schedule, snack, lunch, and general comments about their overall well being. Many a day pictures enhance the understanding of how deep learning happens and also the emphasis on building relationships with each other. Parents are viewed as partners to the teaching team and are encouraged to have daily check-ins with the teaching team on arrival and during departure time.
How is CPSC managed?
CPSC is a non-profit organization with an elected Board of Directors comprised of parent volunteers and community members. The Board establishes the vision for CPSC in-conjunction with an Executive Director who manages the day-to-day operations of the facility. The Board is confirmed by the parents of CPSC.
What is the curriculum?
Fundamental in everything we do is building upon relationships. Children learn to interact with peers, with adults, and to know themselves through self-regulation developmentally appropriate for their age. The knowing of thyself is rooted for Kindergarten Readiness as well as to learn to self-regulate, a skill that is nurtured and unique to each child. Building upon respectful relationships and learning to resolve conflicts is core to our curriculum. Each child in our care is embraced with developing relationships as part of the teachings in all we do. We value children as leaders and view them as capable learners as they continue to grow.
Quality caregiving is central to our daily interactions with all children. Children need environments of kindness, warmth, and adults who listen and provide one on one attention as families are in the workplace.
CPSC is a play-based program where learning unfolds naturally through Emergent Curriculum practices. Academics is woven into the day naturally as it unfolds through reading quality literature, interactions with nature, playing together, and constructing knowledge. Children do learn to write, know the alphabet, and put beginning sounds together. Prompts in early writing and reading emerge as children are given opportunities to explore these areas in small group work and intentional centers.
How do you handle discipline?
Child-centered environments gain the respect of all of its members by learning to navigate through support systems empowering children to know themselves and work through issues of conflict. Teachers model behavior and outcomes, and children are approached authentically and respectfully in their understanding of their actions upon others. Our goals surround children learning to voice their unhappiness with situations and have support for resolving issues so that all parties walk away with new perspectives on their interactions with each other. This is embodied in our core value of providing an environment where children experience the positive aspects about who they are.
How do you handle illness in the Center?
When a child becomes ill (e.g., diarrhea, vomiting, or a temperature over 100.4°), we send the child home. Contact us for a copy of our health policies. Despite the inherent risks, we work very hard to keep contagion to a minimum through careful hygiene, a clean center, and sensible exclusion policies.
What kind of training do teachers have?
All of our teachers have a minimum of 12 required Early Childhood Education courses from accredited schools and colleges. Those teachers serving in the infant and young toddler rooms have an additional mandatory Infant Development class. Most of our teachers have AA degrees, some have BA and MA degrees in Child Development or related fields. Professional development is ongoing and is embraced by all teachers at CPSC. All teachers also have current CPR and First Aid certificates in addition to Mandated Reporter certifications, classes on Nutrition, and have fingerprint clearance through the Department of Justice and FBI clearance.
What kind of stimulation do your very young children receive?
CPSC follows the philosophy created by Magda Gerber, the founder of the RIE or Resources for Infant Educarers Approach to working with infants and young toddlers. The RIE Approach stipulates respectful and reciprocal relationships between caregivers or infant teachers and infants in our care. Infants are not just swooped up but are respectfully communicated to about what will happen with their person next. We believe that the routines of diaper changing, feeding and napping are times for bonding between the infant and caregiver. Caregivers support each family’s unique ways of comforting their baby, nurturing their baby, and caring for them in ways that promote the building of trustful relationships until babies are returned back into the arms of their families at the end of each day.